Bigrevcoop's Thoughts

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Don't Blame me!

We live in a culture that does not want be accountable for anything. We want to blame tobacco companies for our smoking habits. We want to blame McDonald's for our weight problem. We blame, blame, blame. This attitude has had a terrible affect on our culture, and I believe that it has slipped into our convention as well.

Who is to blame when we fail at ministry? I believe this is a good question. Let us pretend we have a pastor who is failing at his job. Who is to blame? Is the Pastor going to take responsibility for his failure? I think this is a question we have to answer.

I have come to the conclusion that it is easier to remove someone from a moral failing than it is for a lack of ability. I was once speaking to a minister friend of mine about a person who was not successful in the area of ministry that he was in. My friend said to me, I know the guy well. He thinks all day about what he is supposed to do. He works so hard. He has a good family. He is a good man. He talks, eats, and dreams about what he is supposed to do. I just don't understand why he is failing.

My response was a difficult one. I said to my friend, it might be because he isn't capable to do the job.

I truly believe that there are some in the ministry who are great men, but are not capable men. So what do we do in this situation? The last thing a Church or a Pastor wants to do is hurt someones feelings. If a minister is inept, who should say the word? How do we deal with such a problem? I honestly do not know.

Placing blame on failure is very hard to do. Every year, I set a plan before my Church. I name four or five things I would like to see us as a Church do. The truth is that sometimes we fail. In those instances, the buck stops with me. I evaluate what went wrong, and I try to plan better the next time.

It is obviously to anyone, the surest way not to fail at a task is not to attempt a task. I believe some ministers do not plan anything. This is a sure way they cannot be accused of failing. However, some ministers make great goals, but have no legitimate plan to get there. This is certain failure. Some ministers, have goals, set plans, and never achieve. This type of person is not lazy. This type of person is moral. This type of person is good. However, this type of person is incompetent. So can we blame them for the failure.

Out of all the blogs I have posted, this one makes the least since. I am struggling with an issue that is beyond my control or my influence. My hope is that by writing about blame, something might cross my mind that I haven't thought of before. In ministry, who do we blame for failing? When I fail, I take responsibility. However, not everyone feels the same that I do. What if I fail and I don't think I am responsible? What if I fail, and I am responsible, but I don't recognize it? If God is pleased with my effort, but my outcome was not satisfactory, then who is to blame.

Maybe I will never be able to answer this question? However, someone should always be responsible when we fail. Who is to blame?

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The 2007 Southern Baptist Convention

The SBC meets next week in San Antonio, Texas. I am not going to be there. I wish I could tell you that I am not going to be there because I have a moral problem going to San Antonio when they are playing the Cavs. However, the real reason I am not going is travel. If I cannot drive it in one days time, I will not be going.

There will not be a lot of excitement at this years event. Frank Page will run unopposed for President. The other elected positions do not really matter. Yet, there is some interest in first Vice-President because Adrian Rogers' son is running.

I am sure that there will be a large Jerry Fawell moment. Dr. Fawell was not a Southern Baptist for very long. However, he had a huge impact on religious conservatives. Dr. Fawell created the religious right. He forced people to look at their faith and vote accordingly. I have come to the realization that anyone who takes a stand also takes a beating. Dr. Fawell has had a lot of things said about him. Most of them were not true. The same thing was done to Dr. Page Patterson and Judge Paul Pressler. These two men brought the SBC back to its Biblical roots. When I was in college, I heard my professors say bad things about both of these men. You would have thought they were not capable of walking and chewing bubble gum at the same time. However, after reading there stuff, I find both of them brilliant.

I also believe that there will be some type of study created on the topic of tongue speaking. This scares me to death. If you haven't figured it out, I am not all that supportive of tongue speaking. I do not think the modern day tongue has any resemblance to the Biblical tongue. I also struggle with the concept of a private prayer language. It is my believe that Spiritual gifts were created to edify the Church and further the kingdom. A private prayer language does neither. To make life simple, I believe that these types of gifts ended with the death of the Apostle John. I will make some exceptions. I do believe that God could give a person a language to share the gospel with someone. However, I believe this is rare and not regular.

I will miss not being at the SBC. I enjoy the sermons, I enjoy the fellowship, and I enjoy all the information. If I have to miss a convention, I am glad that I am missing this one. I don't think anything important will come out of San Antonio. I also hope that Lebron drops fifty on them.