Bigrevcoop's Thoughts

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The 2007 Southern Baptist Convention

The SBC meets next week in San Antonio, Texas. I am not going to be there. I wish I could tell you that I am not going to be there because I have a moral problem going to San Antonio when they are playing the Cavs. However, the real reason I am not going is travel. If I cannot drive it in one days time, I will not be going.

There will not be a lot of excitement at this years event. Frank Page will run unopposed for President. The other elected positions do not really matter. Yet, there is some interest in first Vice-President because Adrian Rogers' son is running.

I am sure that there will be a large Jerry Fawell moment. Dr. Fawell was not a Southern Baptist for very long. However, he had a huge impact on religious conservatives. Dr. Fawell created the religious right. He forced people to look at their faith and vote accordingly. I have come to the realization that anyone who takes a stand also takes a beating. Dr. Fawell has had a lot of things said about him. Most of them were not true. The same thing was done to Dr. Page Patterson and Judge Paul Pressler. These two men brought the SBC back to its Biblical roots. When I was in college, I heard my professors say bad things about both of these men. You would have thought they were not capable of walking and chewing bubble gum at the same time. However, after reading there stuff, I find both of them brilliant.

I also believe that there will be some type of study created on the topic of tongue speaking. This scares me to death. If you haven't figured it out, I am not all that supportive of tongue speaking. I do not think the modern day tongue has any resemblance to the Biblical tongue. I also struggle with the concept of a private prayer language. It is my believe that Spiritual gifts were created to edify the Church and further the kingdom. A private prayer language does neither. To make life simple, I believe that these types of gifts ended with the death of the Apostle John. I will make some exceptions. I do believe that God could give a person a language to share the gospel with someone. However, I believe this is rare and not regular.

I will miss not being at the SBC. I enjoy the sermons, I enjoy the fellowship, and I enjoy all the information. If I have to miss a convention, I am glad that I am missing this one. I don't think anything important will come out of San Antonio. I also hope that Lebron drops fifty on them.