Bigrevcoop's Thoughts

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Why Wait?

At the time of this post, congress may not pass financial support for an abstinence policy the President supports. Every religious website I have been to today has decided to run a blurb asking us to call or email our senators to move on this important legislation. I hope that many people respond. Our government supports millions of things that make evangelicals squirm. We should remind them to support some thing that we agree with.

I am a firm believer in abstinence. As a matter of fact, I believe we could wipe out every STD in one generation if everyone did things according to the Bible. The only sure way to not get pregnant is not to have sex. The only sure way not to catch a terrible STD is not to have sex. Christians, for the most part, have preached, taught, and promoted this fairly well. However, there is something that Christians should start promoting to help with sexual purity. That something is marrying younger.

There is a trend in our country to wait to marry until a person is settled. It is normal for men to wait until they are in their 30's to marry. Young men want to have a car and a home before they think about marriage. They do not want the struggle of creating a home and a family at the same time. This concept has jumped into the Christian community as well. Christians are marrying much later in years.

Now the truth is that I have a hard time writing this article. I waited until I was 29 to marry. However, I did not wait for the same reasons that most people wait. Simply put, it took me that long to find a girl that wanted to marry me. If I built a relationship with my current wife 10 years earlier, I would have married younger.

The truth is that men waiting to marry until there settled has created a culture of acceptable sin within our church. Sexual habits such as self-gratification and pornography have become prevalent within our younger men. Many of our young Christian men find no shame in having sex before they are married. The temptation is great, and waiting until marriage seems all most unthinkable in today's culture.

It is my belief that if we are going to teach abstinence in the Church, then we have to also teach appropriate marriage. I believe they go hand in hand.

Now some would say that people in their early 20's are not mature enough to be married. I believe that maturity doesn't start at 28. There are many people who are old and still immature. The truth is that if a young couple follows Biblical principles they will be successful. Parents must begin to promote the Biblical principles in the relationships of their children.

Biblical marriage will work at age 22 the same as it does 32. I believe that this should be reminded to our children at the same time as abstinence is taught. Waiting to marry is creating a culture of sinful behavior. I believe supporting this culture because it makes things easier is not acceptable for the Church. Marriage is a wonderful thing if done right. For a couple in their early 20's, there is nothing better than building a long life with someone who you truly love.