Bigrevcoop's Thoughts

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Importance of Genesis 1-11

I have come to believe that Genesis 1-11 is the most important section of all the Scripture. How one interprets this text will influence how one looks at every other aspect of life. Why do we believe in traditional marriage? Because creation teaches us this. Why do we have a 7 day work week? Because creation teaches us this. Why is there death? Genesis 1-11 tells us why. Simply put, how a person interprets Genesis 1-11 will have a large impact on how he sees the world.

The easiest place to see this is the secular world. Last week, the Democratic presidential candidates went on Logo TV to debate homosexual issues. Only two of the candidates stated they believed that homosexuals should be allowed to marry. The rest of the candidates said they do not believe the country is ready for this. Thus, they were saying that they all were personally in agreement with it, but out of fear of losing, they could not personally support it.

The truth is that the only reason not to support homosexual marriage is the issue of faith. If I was not a Christian, I would support gay marriage. However, I believe in the Bible, and because I believe in the Bible, I am forced to stand by the Biblical principals of marriage. I will guarantee that the denominations that support gay marriage and gay clergy do not hold to a literal view of Genesis 1-11. If they believed in Genesis 1-11, they couldn't support what they are supporting.

I believe this is why there is so much disdain for the Creation Museum. Ken Ham and "Answers in Genesis" have created a first class museum that teaches creation according to the Bible. As I follow this story, it seems that every secular group in America has come out to complain. They want to silence the creationists, because the belief in creation has a vast impact on how one sees the world we live in.

Secular Humanists have no greater enemy than Historical Christianity and the belief in the Bible. The liberals are very intelligent. They know if you chop away at the source of morality, then morality has nothing to stand on. The source of morality is the Bible. The foundation of the Bible is the book of Genesis. Thus, if the book of Genesis can be declared wrong, then Christian morality will soon fall. This is why Christians must educate themselves about creation.

I hope that all readers of this blog would take a fresh look at the two leading creation institutes. "Answers in Genesis' and The Institute for Creation Research (ICR) have done a wonderful job of answering the secularists. Christians must return to the Biblical understanding of creation. If we refuse, then our morals have no ground to stand.