Bigrevcoop's Thoughts

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Free Speech and the Media

Don Imus was fired recently for calling the Rutgers University women's basketball team a group of "Nappy Headed Hoes." I will be honest with you, I don't watch women's basketball. I find it boring and uninspiring. I also do not listen to Don Imus. Thus, I am approaching this topic from an unbiased attitude. Simply put, the lady Red Knights and Don Imus matter little to me. However, free speech matters a great deal.

If I owned the radio station and the television station that Don Imus worked for, I would have fired him a long time ago. Why? Because anything that I would own would have a standard of morality and character. Don Imus has neither. He has been saying off colored remarks for years. I am a bit concerned that this remark got him fired. Since when has CBS radio and NBC TV been a standard bearer for decency in America?

I have come to the conclusion that the media will allow people to say anything they want as long as they agree with it. You can poke fun at white people. You can poke fun at Christians. You can poke fun at the President. You cannot poke fun at minorities, unless they are Christian. If they are Christian, you can call them whatever you want.

Today we learned that Rosie O'Donnell will not be on the view after June. I will miss her greatly. Rosie has done more for conservatives than anyone conservative could have ever dreamed. Every time she opens her mouth, conservatives win. People listen to her and realize they are not like her. She has become a mouthpiece for the left. This should keep the right growing.

Rosie left the view because she wanted 10 million for one year. The view was willing to pay her 10 million for three years. Most people thought she was off the view because of her insane comments. This is not the case. Her comments were accepted by the media. Why? because they agreed with her. Rosie can call conservative Christians anything she likes. She can say that we shouldn't be afraid of the terrorists because they are mothers and fathers. She can blaim 9-11 on the United States. She can call the president every name in the book. All of this free speech is acceptable. Why? because she is liberal, thus it is accepted in Hollywood.

If Don Imus wanted to save his job he would have seen if any of the Rutgers team was a Christian. Then he could have said I was speaking only about her and her friends. If he said, "That Christian basketball player and her friends are nappy headed hoes," he would have been just fine.

Don Imus and Howard Stern, and all the other shock jocks are fairly sorry people. They make a living out of making fun of the downtrodden and weak. A morally weak and pathetic society is turned on by this type of free speech. However, this same morally weak and pathetic society will lose their free speech if they allow Political Correctness to dictate the message.

I personally believe that free speech should always have limits. I would never allow unbridled free speech in my house or my church. We have standards, and those standards are well understood. I would respect CBS radio and NBC TV if they had their moral guidelines written down so that Don Imus would have known that he crossed the line. However, they do not have any standards. They make decisions based on public pressure. Don Imus learned a lesson. He didn't learn a lesson in morality, he learned a lesson in political correctness.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Evil That Men Do

The three greatest terrorist attacks on American soil had one thing in common. It wasn't the weapon. At Oklahoma City, the weapon of choice was fertilizer. The terrorists used box cutters during 9-11. At Virginia Tech, the terrorist used a gun.

They also didn't have a motive in common. The motive for the terrorists at Oklahoma City was the belief that America is too liberal. The motive for the terrorists during 9-11 was the belief that America is the great Satan. The motive for the terrorist at Virginia Tech was the thoughts of lunacy.

They also didn't have the same religion. The religion of the Oklahoma City terrorist was Fundamental Christianity. The religion of the terrorists of 9-11 was fundamentalist Islam. The religion of the terrorist at Virginia Tech is not known and probably played know part in the event.

However, there is one common factor that ties all of these acts together. That common factor is human sin.

This event should be a reminder to us all that human beings are capable of a great deal of evil. The fall of humanity affects each of us greatly. The reason that we have laws and jails is because we are all capable of doing great evil. Simply put, most people do not rob banks because they are good people. They do not rob banks because they don't want to go to jail. If there was no penalty for bank robbery, well, we all know what people would do.

Sin like a cancer grows. If it is not bridled it will grow and grow and grow. I do not believe that most people who commit rape wake up one day and say to themselves I want to rape. Rape takes place after a person allows himself to dive deep into his perversion. They think about it, they fantasize about it, and finally they commit the sin.

All three terrorist attacks on our country was committed by fallen men that embraced the evil inside them. Timothy McVay convinced himself that his cause was worth the murder and sorrow he caused. This sin of his was nursed in his mind and by his friends until it exploded. The 9-11 terrorists lived in a society that taught hate. This teaching fed the sin that was in them until it had grown into a massacre. The murderer at Virginia Tech groomed his own sin in secret. It had grown so large that many saw the warning signs, but no one could stop it.

Men can do a lot of evil. They can do it for many different reasons. Nevertheless, the base reason for it all is sin. If you want to be angry today, be angry at sin. Sin is the reason we die, and it is also the reason that Jesus died. By the Grace of God go I.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Logan and Brittney's Day At The Mall

Last week I took a family vacation. That is why there was no post last week. We had a great time. We went to Cincinnati. We saw everything that the city had to offer. We went to the Aquarium at New Port, Kentucky. We went to the Children's Museum and the Natural History Museum. (By the way, most of what we saw at the Natural History Museum had the wrong date. However, that is another blog in itself.) One day we decided to go shopping. Cincinnati has some wonderful malls. One of the malls we went to was called the Kingston Mall. This mall is right off of I-71. I believe it was at Exit 14. This was truly one of the nicest malls I have ever been to. This was a high end mall. Everyone we saw was dressed well, and seemed to have money. It was here were I met Logan and Brittney.

I first saw Logan and Brittney at the toy store. Logan was about 10 and Brittney was about 12. I had my two year old with me, and in her toy store excitement she bumped into them. I apologized and said hello. Logan and Brittney were beautiful children. They had the nicest clothes on. Their hair was perfect. They were also standing near their father. Their father was obviously a man of wealth. He was dressed casual, but looked great. There was nothing out of place, and he was willing and able buy what his children wanted.

Later on, I saw this same family by a food vendor. Those that know me know that if I am lost you can find me near food vendors. Their Father was walking with his children. They were having a day together at the mall. They were not all that happy. I did not see the children smile. It was at this point that I looked down at the left hand of dad. He did not have a ring on his finger. It was Saturday. I began to believe that Logan and Brittney had to spend the weekend with their father. I could be wrong, but I saw two very unhappy children, in a very nice mall, with a father who was willing and capable to buy them whatever they wanted. Most children would have been delighted. Logan and Brittney looked as if they had come from a funeral.

"Money doesn't buy happiness." This is an old saying. However, I am not sold on that statement. I believe a better statement is "Money doesn't buy character". I think money can be a wonderful thing. I am a pretty happy person right now. I believe I would be a lot happier if I did not have to worry about bills and financial matters. I think if you give money to the right people, it will make people happier.

Character is not a purchasable item. Character makes happy families. Character makes right decisions. Character keeps mom and dad together. Character allows a person to make difficult decisions. Character places others before yourself. Money does not buy character.

Christianity creates character. It is through Christianity that you learn how to properly love. It is through Christianity that you learn how to sacrifice. It is through Christianity that you learn how to place others before you. The world does not need money. The world needs character. Christianity provides Character if a Christian is obedient to Christ. Character is a wonderful trait to have. Jesus was the picture of character. If we learn to follow the master, we will have all the Character we need.