Bigrevcoop's Thoughts

Thursday, September 29, 2005

The American Baptist Dilemma

On September 8, 2005, the Pacific Southwest region of the American Baptist Convention recommended that its churches stop giving money to the American Baptist Convention by December 31, 2005. This was not a surprise, but the news still rocked the ABC. It is never good to have a split. The rumor mill is spinning, and many believe that this was just the start of a major split. The West Virginia region is looking to do the same, and I just spoke to a Pastor in Ohio who told me that several churches in Ohio are looking to break away.

All of the religious news organizations state that the reason for the split is over the topic of homosexuality. The convention states that there has been several resolutions adopted by the convention that defines homosexuality as a sin; and they are right. The ABC has adopted this position at their annual meeting. However, the churches splitting say that these resolutions are meaningless unless they are enforced; and they are right. To say that you disapprove of something, but do nothing to stop it is useless.

The way I see it, the problem isn't the issue of homosexuality. The problem is much deeper. The problem is the lack of honesty and integrity of the current leadership of the ABC. The current leadership of the American Baptist Convention are not in line with the historic principles of the church. Because of this, they find themselves trying to serve a church that his socially and theologically different than themselves. This forces them to pass resolutions and make statements that pacify the local church, but goes against their own convictions. This places them in a dilemma. They believe the local church is wrong, but they are called to serve the local church. So what do they do? They pass statements to please the local church, but have no intentions of following the statements they pass. Their hope is that the local church will be satisfied with what they say, until they have the chance to change their minds.

This is the way Christian liberals have functioned for years. Christian liberals find a place in academia. They declare the concept of academic freedom to defend their heresy. Over the years, they influence young ministers to think like them. After years of this, local congregations begin to change their views on social issues and historic theological distinctives. Do you really believe the Wesley brothers, who were the founders of the Methodist movement, would approve of their denominations stances today? If you do, you obviously haven't read anything that they wrote. Do you believe that Martin Luther would be pleased with the theological and moral stances of the Lutheran church in America? If you do, you have never read Luther, or you don't know what ELCA teaches at their seminaries. Do you believe that the old Congregational church leaders would support what the United Church of Christ believes and supports? If you do, you have no understanding of the incredible Biblical history of the Congregationalists.

It takes years and years of plotting and training to change a denominations views. The theological left has been very successful in several denominations. The denominations that I named above are entrenched in Protestant liberal thinking. However, they haven't been all that successful in the Baptist church. Certainly, some Baptist churches and denominations have lost their Biblical integrity, but for the most part Baptists have fought against Protestant Liberal thought.

I am a proud graduate of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has a statement of faith called the "Abstract of Principles". ( If you would like to read this articles of faith go to This statement of faith is very strong and Biblical. It is required that all professors sign it and teach according to it if they wish to be employed at the seminary. When I was a student, I had teachers that not only did not teach according to it, but they spoke against it in their classrooms. The seminary has changed much since I was a student. I am certain that not one professor is speaking against the seminary's statement of faith in the classroom today. This is the way it should be.

So why were professors, who were totally against the historic principles and doctrines of a seminary, allowed to teach at the seminary? This was the question that many Southern Baptists asked for years, and it was the question that finally reformed the seminary. The answer is simple, for many liberal academics, agenda is much more important than integrity. You sign a paper you totally disagree with so that you can change its principles later or ignore it all together.

The ABC needs a leadership change. The views of their leadership is out of line with the local church they are called to serve. If the leadership of the convention had any integrity they would realize this and step aside. However, the agenda to change the minds of the local church is much more important to them than to serve the local church. If any ABC pastors happen to read this blog, I also recommend that you stop giving your money to your national convention. How could you let your members tithes go and support things they are totally opposed to? The leadership of the ABC has forgotten who they are called to serve. There is no accountability to the local church. There is only accountability to the cause of social change. They have long forgotten who pays their bills, and it is time they are reminded.

Friday, September 23, 2005

End Time Madness

A few days ago, I was watching John Hagee go over his view of Eschatology (The Study of Last Things) on his television show. He had all the maps and charts out showing us how it was all going to happen. He was teaching historic dispensationalism. This is the same view found in the notes of the Scolfield Bible. It is also the view given to us in the "Left Behind" series. I have come to the conclusion that many Christians do not know any other view than this one. You know the view; there will be a rapture of the church, followed by seven years of tribulation, followed by a 1,000 year millennial reign, followed by a short falling away period, and finally the judgment.

This view is so important to some Christians that it has become a standard of orthodoxy. Last week, I listened to the Jack Van Impe show. Van Impe said on his show that all other views are heresy. After listening to Hagee speak, I have come to the conclusion that he believes you are not a real believer in Jesus Christ if you believe something else. Many Christians are making this a standard of belief, and are calling on their followers to boycott and stand against any other interpretation.

Last Saturday, I was at a R. C. Sproul conference in Akron, Ohio. A woman was trying to get Dr. Sproul to give his interpretation of the binding of Satan in Revelation 20. Dr. Sproul wasn't willing to get into a debate with her. However, he said one thing that made me chuckle. He said the only thing he knows for sure about the end times is that dispensationalism and the full preterist views are incorrect.

On my shelf sets a book by Hank Hannegraff called, "The Last Disciple". Hank is the Bible answer man. I do not get his program where I live today, but I use to listen to him all the time. I think his work is brilliant. His book looks at the book of Revelation from a "Partial Preterist" view point. I enjoyed reading it; it made me think.

A few years ago, I sat down and studied every view that I could find on Eschatology. I can tell you what every group believes and why they believe it. I have studied, and for the most part comprehended: Historic Dispensationalism, Progressive Dispensationalism, Historic Premillenialism, Amillenialism, Post Millenialism, Partial Preterist, and Full Preterist views of Eschatology. In my study, I have come to one certain conclusion: I am probably wrong and you are too.

I have serious problems with anyone who believes their viewpoint is the standard of orthodoxy. The truth about Eschatological studies is that it is all a great mystery. Not one of us know what really is going to happen, and to make your view the only view is dangerous and troubling.

My dear Christian friends, I am certain that the majority of people reading this blog are dispensational in nature. Even though, I know of at least one reader that is an Amillenialist (Don't tell John Hagee). This Halloween, let me encourage you not to scare each other with the next "Left Behind" movie. I would like to prompt you to read someone else's views on this great topic.

Over the last couple of decades, Eschatology has become almost silly. The prophesy shows that I see on television are weird to say the least, and for the most part, often unBiblical. This area of theology deserves better. It is a great study, filled with brilliant thoughts and challenging concepts. I do not think we should make our personal views the standard of orthodox for everyone else, but I do think it is time we get serious about what we really believe. I believe that too many Christians are lacking depth in this area of study. Let me encourage you to leave behind the "Left Behind" series, and dig deeper to find truth in this great mystery.

Friday, September 16, 2005

One Nation, "Under God"

When I was in 8th grade, my American History teacher played us a recording of John Wayne reciting the Pledge Of Allegiance. I did not take school all that seriously at the time, so I believe this was the only thing I truly remember from that class. At the end of the recording, John Wayne told us that the words "under God" was added to the pledge. He explained how proud he was that it was there. After listening to the recording, I was left with strong feelings of honor and awe.

This week, U.S. District Judge Lawrence Karlton ruled that it was unconstitutional to say the Pledge in a public school. He made this ruling after hearing a case brought by Michael Newdow. Newdow is a devout atheist, and has received this ruling from this court before. However, other courts have found ways of reversing this decision without declaring Judge Karlton out of line. The last time Newdow brought a suit, the Supreme Court stated that the court should not have heard the case because Newdow was not the guardian of the child involved.

This time, Newdow received rights from parents of two children to proceed. The parents state that one of their children is an agnostic and the other is a pantheist. They stated that their children are having their civil rights violated when the teacher asks the class to stand and recite the Pledge. Keep in mind, the children were not forced to say the pledge. However, they were forced to listen to it. This is what Judge Karlton declared unconstitutional.

Over the last couple of days, I have heard a lot of discussion about this case. Their are three things I would like to add to the discussion that I have not heard on the news.

First, The far left has a great tendency to shoot themselves in the foot whenever possible. I found the timing of all this laughable. The nation is right in the middle of confirming the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The left are trying to paint Judge Roberts as a radical who is out of the mainstream. Now, they have to look at one of their own judges and try to justify his actions to the public. I believe that Roberts was going to win confirmation easily before all of this happened. I now believe that some of the most liberal Senators will vote for Roberts because of Judge Karlton's impeccable timing.

Second, Why hasn't there been a call for impeachment of Judge Karlton? There has to be one young upshot congressman willing to bring charges of incompetence against this judge. A judicial appointment is for life, however, if he is deemed unfit to rule he can be removed. Even if Judge Karlton survives an impeachment, I think it would be great for the nation to have this debate. It is time that our elected leaders hold our appointed judges accountable for their actions.

Finally, The United States was founded on Christian principles. Why is this so hard for some people to believe? The building that holds the Supreme Court has Biblical verses and references all over it. If Judge Karlton had his way, the entire building would have to be rebuilt. I think it is time for right thinking America to demand more from our elected officials. The constitution gives us freedom of religion. It does not give us freedom from religion. Our courts are out of control, and it is time that our legislature brings them back into the fold. Our legislature needs to pass clear and precise laws protecting our religious heritage. They also need to demand judges to rule according to the laws of the land, and stop legislating from the bench. Finally, they need to send judges home who refuse to obey their oaths to judge according to the laws of our nation.

If the trend continues, my grandchildren will be in so much trouble if they sing "God Bless America" out in public. In 1973, our nation changed its abortion laws because 9 people told us we had to. This happened because many in the church were asleep at the wheel. The church has been fighting for 32 years to fix this injustice. However, once the law was changed it is almost impossible to change it back. If we do not stand up soon against the secularists who sit on the bench, we will find our religious heritage and liberty stripped away. I hope we will wake up soon and fight for what's right.

Monday, September 12, 2005

The Proper Care Of A Pastor

On July 1st, I wrote an article about pastoral authority. I believe I received more personal responses to that article than anything else I have written. It seems to me that I touched a nerve with both laymen and pastors alike. One of the major themes in the article was the length of the pastor's tenure. I believe that pastors need to stay longer at their churches. I believe this is a major reason pastors struggle with authority. They don't stay long enough to garner the respect needed for authority.

In this post, I would like to give some suggestions for church members. One of the reasons pastors leave so often is due to the fact that many churches do not know how to take care of their pastor. This isn't your fault, you just don't know how. So, hopefully this article will teach some churches what they need to do to take care of their pastors.

First, make certain your church is doing the best it can at meeting your pastor's financial needs. Most pastors have to pay for their healthcare, retirement, social security, and work expenses out of their pay package. Many churches offer a pay package of $40,000 and think that it is enough. They do not realize that this $40,000 isn't a salary. All of a pastors benefits come out of it as well. Most private companies pay over $10,000 a year on an individuals personal benefits. You need to make sure your pastor is not choosing between health insurance and a proper place to live. If your pastor is doing this, you probably will not keep him to long.

Second, make certain that the church's constitution, by-laws, and rules are not harmful to the pastor. I have probably read 100 church constitutions in my life. Many of them are a hindrance to the pastor. I have read unBiblical things in church documents. I have read documents that place the deacons in authority over the pastor. The Bible must have been thrown out the door when that statement was pinned. I have read down right un-thoughtful things about a pastor in a constitution. Some constitutions limit pastor's vacations, and some constitutions force pastor's to pay fees when they are not in the pulpit. Simply put, you need to read over your constitution and make certain your pastor can do his job without hindrance in your church's governing rules.

Third, make certain your pastor's work environment is suitable for him. Does your pastor's office look professional? Have your provided a good desk for him? Have you provided proper book shelves for him? Is the office equipment you have for him up to date? All of these things matter to a pastor. Many people place their pastors in offices that they would throw a fit about if their employer did the same. Many church members want their pastor's to be up to date on everything, but they give their pastors equipment that is old and out of date. Church members need to look around their church and make certain that the pastor's needs are being met. Do not expect your pastor to be happy if the work environment he has to work in is poor.

Finally, be your pastor's friend. A pastor and his family are usually outsiders to the community they come to serve. Most pastors preach that all they need is the Lord. However, it would be nice to have a friend as well. Every pastor knows that he is going to be talked about by church members. As a pastor, you are going to have your ministry spoken about around dinner tables. If you want to bless your pastor, invite him every now and then to the dinner table for the conversation. It will bless him and his family.

So there you have it, the proper care of a pastor. Oh by the way, tell him his sermon made you really examine yourself. If your pastor was a dog, that would be like scratching him behind the ears.